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What Are Implant-Retained Dentures?

Brady Dental of Amarillo offers implant-retained dentures for those needing stability and security when their natural teeth have been lost. Implant-retained dentures are held in position by dental implants. Dentures are an important part of restoring your smile’s appearance, but they can pose challenges for some. Brady Dental of Amarillo is here to help with those challenges.

Implant-retained dentures can replace both upper and lower teeth, giving you a secure, natural-looking option that is not only more comfortable but also more convenient than traditional dentures. Because they are secured by the implants, the dentures function better than conventional dentures and are more stable. They are titanium screws placed in your jawbone to help stabilize and secure the dentures. Then, the implant-retained dentures (also known as overdentures) are attached to the implants. Typically, each jaw requires 2 to 4 dental implants to stabilize a single denture.

Implant-retained dentures are a kind of hybrid of these two extremes; a streamlined removable denture that is held in place with the aid of a small number of dental implants. Many find them to be just right in terms of fit, function, and ease of wear. 

The Process for Getting Implant-Retained Dentures

In the initial consultation with your dentist at Brady Dental of Amarillo, both your medical and dental history will be checked. Brady Dental Group teams up with an oral surgeon to insure great implants. Digital x-rays and possibly a CT scan will be taken of your gums and teeth. This understanding of the quality and quantity of your bones and teeth will help the dentist determine the best position for the implant dentures.

The first surgery is when an incision is made in your gums, allowing access for a hole to be drilled in the jawbone and the implant is placed. The incisions are sutured and a temporary denture is positioned unattached over the implant to ensure direct pressure is not applied to the implants. Four to six months after the first implant is usually when the second surgery takes place. Your dental team will take an x-ray to ensure that the implants have fused to the jawbone. During this surgery, a tiny incision is made in your gum tissue to expose the top portion of the implant. Then a round metal piece, known as a healing cap, is positioned onto each implant to facilitate the healing of the gum tissue around it. After about 14 days, the healing cap is replaced with regular abutments. Impressions will be made to create your permanent dentures.

During the insertion process, titanium connectors will be placed on the implant abutments and the dentist will do a mock-up of your dentures. If no further adjustments are needed, the impression will be returned to the lab for processing and completion of your final dentures. Your new dentures will then be secured to dental implant abutments.

Upper jaw implants generally take 5 to 6 months to heal, while lower jaw implants usually osseointegrate, or fuse, within 4 to 6 months.

Benefits of Implant-Retained Dentures

Implant-retained dentures are more stable than traditional dentures and do not float or become ill-fitting and unstable. They offer better chewing ability and stronger biting forces, which enable you to eat more difficult-to-chew foods easily. They are more natural looking and function more like natural teeth. These dentures help preserve the jawbone structure and prevent further bone loss. And, because they fit better, they are more comfortable and cause less friction on the gum tissue than traditional dentures.

Results of Implant-Retained Dentures

In terms of ease and comfort of wear, implant-retained dentures are the hands-down winner. Their stability and strength allow for better biting and chewing, and implant retained dentures are far superior in terms of staying put while eating, drinking, and speaking. They are slimmer, more streamlined dentures that stay where you want them all day and snap out easily at night for thorough cleaning. It is best not to sleep with implant-retained dentures in your mouth. Remove your dentures at night to prevent complications like yeast infections or denture damage.

Cost of Implant-Retained Dentures

At Brady Dental of Amarillo, the cost of one’s dental health is important. While traditional dentures may be less costly, they also fail to provide an important health benefit that is built into implant-retained dentures: the preservation of bone tissue in the jaw. It is important to remember that the jaw affects the face and smile and the dentist at Brady Dental wants to help you get the best smile possible and preserve your appearance with implant-retained dentures. Depending on your treatment goals and budget, the professionals at Brady Dental will work with you to do just that.

For more information about how implant-supported dentures might work for your tooth replacement needs, call Brady Dental of Amarillo.

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